Gold Star Repiping
Repiping seems like a daunting task to many homeowners because it is perceived as something extremely complicated and expensive. However, when you come to bona fide professionals like Gold Star, you are bound to get the best solution with the most value for your money. We here at Gold Star have been providing highly efficient LA repiping services for more than 25 years.
Home repiping is extremely necessary and can help prevent your house from extremely dangerous water damage caused by faulty plumbing. Any company providing honest LA plumbing services will tell you that pipes are not meant to last forever, they need to be changed with time. While minor problems can be fixed by repairing, repiping is extremely important if you’re facing constant faults in your plumbing.

What We Can Do For You:

Why Choose us?
Some symptoms of faulty piping include discolored water, metallic taste in water, decreased water pressure, constant leakages etc. If you don’t consider repiping, you can face extreme water damage such as flooding or even ceiling/wall collapse. Here at Gold Star, we are highly proficient repipe specialists; we will go out of our way to give you the best solution possible.
Our team will work closely with you and help you make the best decision according to the condition of your plumbing and your budget. We provide various choices for piping material, with the most common variant being PEX pipe and copper repiping. With each option having its own pros and cons, we will take your situation into consideration and help you pick the most ideal option.
Please schedule an appointment to know more about different kinds of piping and affordable options such as PEX pipe. PEX is a flexible pipe that is easy to install, easy to repair and affordable but it also has its cons when compared to the more expensive copper repiping. Our professionals will help you come to final decision! They will work with extreme attention to detail to give you the most durable home repiping.

Simple and Easy
Solution For Your Home
We will give a written estimation of our services. Along with our services, we ensure attractiveness and protection to reduce any further damage in the nearby future.